In this article, the role of the positrons shock waves generation in weakly relativistic laser-created plasma is investigated. The plasma considered is generated on the rear face of a target, irradiated by a high intensity short pulse laser, in the framework of target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) mechanism. This plasma is composed of Boltzmann distributed positrons, hot and cold super-thermal electrons, and dynamic ions. Kinematic viscosity among the plasma constituents has been also considered. With the purpose of studying the behavior of nonlinear ion acoustic shock waves (IASHWs), the reductive perturbation method (RPM) has been employed and Korteweg-de Vries Burgers equation has been derived. It was observed that different plasma parameters (namely, electrons super-thermality, number of positrons, ion temperature, kinematic viscosity, etc.) have a real impact on the propagation of IASHWs. As electron–positron plasmas with ion possessing relativistic velocities are often detected in laboratory experiments, astrophysical, and space environments, the present work will help to explain the different types of collective processes and instabilities in regions where e-p-i plasmas can exist.
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