
Abstract– The Chesapeake Bay impact structure, approximately 85 km in diameter, has been drilled in 2005–2006 at Eyreville (Virginia, USA), to a total depth of 1766 m. In the drill cores, the abundance of shock metamorphosed material is very variable with depth. Shocked mineral and lithic clasts, as well as melt particles, are most abundant in suevitic impact breccia section (1397–1451 m depth). Shocked quartz (i.e., quartz grains with planar fractures and/or planar deformation features) and melt particles, although rare, are also dispersed in the Exmore Formation unit (444–867 m depth). Other lithologies in the Eyreville drill cores show no clear evidence of shock metamorphism. Here, we report on the investigations of 40 samples from the impact breccia section. A total of more than 27,000 quartz grains were examined in about 200 clasts. The abundance of highly shocked clasts tends to decrease with increasing depth. Crystalline clasts derived from the crystalline basement are commonly only slightly shocked (contain generally <10 rel% of shocked quartz grains). The clasts of metamorphosed sediments show a low proportion of shocked quartz grains (mostly <10 rel%). Sedimentary clasts show a wide range of proportions of shocked quartz grains, with several of them being highly shocked clasts (most values between 0 and 40 rel%). Conglomerates show the highest proportion of shocked quartz grains of all types of clasts (up to 83 rel%). Polycrystalline quartz clasts are also commonly highly shocked (contain mostly between 10 and 40 rel% of shocked quartz grains). These hard nonporous clasts are possibly more liable to show evidence of shock. The investigations suggest that the intensity of shock metamorphism is the result of several parameters, such as original position in the target (both horizontal and vertical) and the properties of each lithology (e.g., grain size, porosity, and amount of matrix). According to the universal‐stage investigations, the dominant orientations of planar deformation features in quartz are , , and also .

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