
In birds, egg size affects chick growth and survival and it is an important component of reproductive success. The shiny cowbirdMolothrus bonariensisis an extreme generalist brood parasite that uses hosts with a wide range of body masses. Survival of cowbird chicks decreases with host body mass, as competition for food with nestmates is more intense in large than in small hosts. We studied variation in shiny cowbird egg size and chick growth in two hosts that differ markedly in body size: the chalk‐browed mockingbirdMimus saturninus(70–75 g), and the house wrenTroglodytes aedon(12–13 g). We analyzed: 1) if females parasitizing mockingbirds lay larger eggs than those parasitizing wrens, and 2) the association between egg size and chick growth. We experimentally controlled for time of parasitism and number of host chicks and evaluated growth rate of male and female parasite chicks. Shiny cowbirds parasitizing mockingbird nests laid larger eggs than those parasitizing wren nests. Chick body mass after hatching was positively associated with egg size until chicks were five days of age, but there was no association between egg size and growth rate, or asymptotic mass. There were no sexual differences in egg size or body mass at the time of hatching, but growth rate was higher in males than in females leading to sexual dimorphism in asymptotic mass. Differences in egg size between hosts and the effect of egg size on body mass after hatching support the hypothesis that different females are specialized in the use of hosts that differ in body mass.

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