
Four species of shellfish, blue mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis), Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai), zhikong scallops (Chlamys farreri), and Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), were exposed to decoupled carbonate system variables to investigate the impacts of different seawater carbonate parameters on the CO2 excretion process of mariculture shellfish. Six experimental groups with two levels of seawater pH (pH 8.1 and pH 7.7) and three levels of total alkalinity (TA = 1000, 2300, and 3600μmol/kg, respectively) were established, while pH 8.1 and TA = 2300μmol/kg was taken as control. Results showed that the CO2 excretion rates of these tested shellfish were significantly affected by the change in carbonate chemistry (P < 0.05). At the same TA level, animals incubated in the acidified group (pH 7.7) had a lower CO2 excretion rate than those in the control group (pH 8.1). In comparison, at the same pH level, the CO2 excretion rate increased when seawater TA level was elevated. No significant correlation between the CO2 excretion rate and seawater pCO2 levels (P > 0.05) was found; however, a significant correlation (P < 0.05) between CO2 excretion rate and TA-DIC (the difference between total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon) was observed. Blue mussel has a significantly higher CO2 excretion rate than the other three species in the CO2 excretions per unit mass of soft parts, with no significant difference observed among these three species. However, in terms of CO2 excretion rate per unit mass of gills, abalone has the highest CO2 excretion rate, while significant differences were found between each species. Our studies indicate that the CO2 buffering capacity impacts the CO2 excretion rate of four shellfish species largely independent of pCO2. Since CO2 excretion is related to acid-base balancing, the results imply that the effects of other carbonate parameters, particularly the CO2 buffering capacity, should be studied to fully understand the mechanism of how acidification affects shellfish. Besides, the species difference in gill to soft parts proportion may contribute to the species difference in responding to ocean acidification.

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