
The aim of this article is to assess the current situation in sheep breeding industry of the West Kazakhstan region and potential to improve its efficiency in the future. Methods – analysis of statistical data, their grouping, study of variational and dynamic series of distribution, relationship of economic phenomena. Results – the main activities of sheep farms in Western Kazakhstan are considered, a forecast is made for the consumption of meat and meat products. The authors note that this western territory of the republic belongs to the macro-region which is focused on oil and gas sector, engineering, food industry, construction industry, grain farming, livestock production and has significant opportunities for further sustainable socio-economic growth. Conclusions – the main problems of sheep breeding are the concentration of more than 60% of the livestock in private farms, their low productivity, lack of necessary working and living conditions, integration of sheep breeding sub-complex with textile and food industries, modern highly efficient technologies for processing raw materials, and lack of specialists. To solve these problems in the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the initiative of the National Association of Sheep Breeders of Kazakhstan, Shopan-ata, a sectoral program on development of sheep breeding has been developed, the purpose of which is to provide employment for rural residents and improve their well-being through the wide spread of entrepreneurship. The authors state that in sheepbreeding economic entities it is necessary to introduce a scientifically based organization of breeding business: raising young animals, improving feeding rations, systems and methods of keeping livestock, which will increase their productivity, product quality, while effectively using huge reserves of pastures for the seasons of the year.

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