
Azerbaijan is known as one of the oldest sheep breeding countries. The natural and geographical conditions of Azerbaijan had a special impact on the creation and development of animal husbandry, especially sheep breeding. At that time, the tribes living in Azerbaijan were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, which led to great changes in their way of life. During this period, although people lived collectively, the main place in cattle breeding, especially in caring for it and feeding it, was occupied by men. In 1953, the animal breeders of the Nekhram village of the Nakhchivan (Babek) district purchased 2618 lambs from 2580 ewes. In general, based on the materials of the Babek and Shahbuz districts of the Nakhchivan region, it can be seen from the studies of the first half of the 20th century that, although for certain reasons there were certain difficulties in the development of sheep breeding in these districts until the 1920s, great success was achieved after 1920 with the creation of favorable conditions, success was achieved, and sheep breeding played a large role in meeting the financial needs of the population.

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