
Age-related differences in the ability to perform two tasks simultaneously (or dual-task) have become a major concern in aging neurosciences and have often been assessed with two distinct paradigms; the Psychological Refractory Period (PRP) and the Dual-Task (DT) paradigms. PRP studies assess participants when they give Priority to one task over the other (complete A then B), whereas in DT studies participants give Equal priority to both tasks (complete A and B). The Equal condition could be viewed as adding an executive control component to the task since the participants must spontaneously monitor attention between tasks. In the current study, we assessed the effect of priority instructions (Priority vs. Equal) on the dual-task performance and brain activity of younger (n=16) and older adults (n=19) with functional near infra-red spectroscopy (fNIRS). In younger adults, the Priority condition showed right-sided activation in the prefrontal cortex during DT execution. Older adults showed bilateral frontal activation, yet restrained to specific areas. They showed increased activation in DT vs. single task condition in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the bilateral ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC). In the Equal condition, the DT condition showed isolated left DLPFC and VLPFC activation in younger adults and widespread bilateral DLPFC activation in older adults. These results suggest that for both older and younger adults, priority effects are associated with distinct patterns of prefrontal activation. Age-related differences also exist in these patterns such that prefrontal activation seems to be more spread out at different sites in older adults when they are instructed to give Equal priority to both tasks.

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