
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Prof.Dr. Moestopo (Beragama) collaborates with FEB, Muhammadiyah University, Jakarta (UMJ) and the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Dian Nusantara University (FBIS UNDIRA) as well as the East Ciputat District Office, South Tangerang, holding Community Service (PKM) with educational programs that have been implemented to increase literacy. Islamic finance has not been optimal in reaching the community in East Ciputat District, South Tangerang. This can be seen from the lack of impact in line with expectations on the development of sharia finance in the region. In this service activity, the method includes delivering material regarding the introduction of sharia financial institutions. These activities are carried out through outreach and counseling. The service process consists of several stages, namely coordinating implementation preparations, implementing educational activities, and evaluating activities. Village community participation in community service activities makes a positive contribution to increasing the sharia financial literacy of the participants.

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