
Transcriptional regulation plays a pivotal role in orchestrating the intricate genetic programs governing embryonic development. The expression of developmental genes relies on the combined activity of several cis-regulatory elements (CREs), such as enhancers and silencers, which can be located at long linear distances from the genes that they regulate and that interact with them through establishment of chromatin loops. Mutations affecting their activity or interaction with their target genes can lead to developmental disorders and are thought to have importantly contributed to the evolution of the animal body plan. The income of next-generation-sequencing approaches has allowed identifying over a million of sequences with putative regulatory potential in the human genome. Characterizing their function and establishing gene-CREs maps is essential to decode the logic governing developmental gene expression and is one of the major challenges of the post-genomic era. Chromatin 3D organization plays an essential role in determining how CREs specifically contact their target genes while avoiding deleterious off-target interactions. Our understanding of these aspects has greatly advanced with the income of chromatin conformation capture techniques and fluorescence microscopy approaches to visualize the organization of DNA elements in the nucleus. Here we will summarize relevant aspects of how the interplay between CRE activity and chromatin 3D organization regulates developmental gene expression and how it relates to pathological conditions and the evolution of animal body plan.

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