
The Harderian gland of golden hamsters excretes alkyldiacylglycerol (ADG), the fatty acid and alkyl compositions of which differ between males and females. ADG in males contains mostly straight chain fatty acids, even- and odd-numbered, the major one being 15:0, while ADG in females contains iso- and anteiso-branched chain acids (34.0%). Iso-branching was found in both even- and odd-numbered acids, but anteiso-branching was found mostly in odd-numbered acids. The presence of propionic acid at the 3 position of the glycerol moiety in male ADG, and of isovaleric and 2-methylbutyric acids at the same position in female ADG was demonstrated by NMR spectrometry. Alkyl portions also exhibited sexual dimorphism in these lipids. ADG from males consisted of straight aliphatic chains, but branched chain components occupied almost half (45%) in ADG from females, and the branching resided at the iso- and anteiso-positions. The ADGs in glands from the two sexes were separated by Iatrobeads column chromatography into three and two subfractions, respectively. The fatty acid and alkyl compositions of these subfractions coincided with the above-mentioned results and with the behavior of the ADGs on thin-layer plates. These findings suggest that a sex hormone affects the metabolism of valine, leucine and isoleucine, and sexual dimorphism of ADGs occurs in the Harderian gland.

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