In an apple orchard at Armidale, the Northern Tablelands of NSW, population sex ratios ofAphelinus mali (Haldeman), an endoparasitoid of the woolly apple aphid,Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann) varied from 0.51 (proportion of males) at low host densities to female-biased at high host densities (proportion of males ranged from 0.35–0.39). This shift in sex ratio seems to be caused by the differences in allocation of sons and daughters to hosts of different sizes. In the fieldA. mali parasitizes all life stages (four nymphal instars and adult) of the woolly aphid upon encountering. According to Hughes'(1979) optimal diet model, such general host acceptance seems to be the best strategy. However, it allows the host nymphs or adults to continue to develop or reproduce until about to mummify (pupate). No mortality was observed when first or second-instar hosts were parasitized in the laboratory. Field collected small mummified hosts yielded male-biased sex ratios whereas large mummified hosts produced mainly females. In the laboratory, progeny from smaller hosts (first to third-instars) produced sex ratios which were not significantly different from 0.5 whereas progeny from larger hosts (third and fourth-instars) produced female-biased sex ratio. During winter (June–August) and early spring (September–October) when the host populations in the orchard were predominantly nymphs, the parasitoid tended to allocate equal resources to male and female offspring. In contrast, at peak population densities in summer and autumn (December–May) when larger hosts were available, the sex ratios were female-biased. The host size ofE. lanigerum andA. mali is, therefore, an important component in the dynamics of host-parasitoid interactions.
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