High-intensityintervaltraining (HIIT) issuperiortoothertrainingstrategies in both male andfemalehealthyindividuals. Understanding sex-specificdifferences in cardiac auto-regulation maycontributetothe optimal trainingstrategiesfor HIIT. The presentstudyaimedtoidentifysexdifferences in heart rate variability (HRV) andvascularfunctionfollowing HIIT in youngadults. Twenty-fourphysicallyactiveyoung male andfemaleadults (M: 12, F: 12, age: 19.5 yr, BMI: 22.1 kg·m-2) volunteeredtoparticipate in thestudy. Participantsperformed 10 boutsof HIIT including 20 s of high-intensitycycling at 115-130% Wmaxfollowedby 100 s ofrecovery. The cardiac auto-regulationsincluding HRV andvascularfunctionweremeasured at five different time points. The R-R interval, rMSSD, and SDNN wererecoveredfaster in malesthan in females after 15 min of HIIT. Thereweresexdifferences in theautonomicnervoussystemwhereln LF andln HF activitiesalongwithsympathovagalbalance (ln LF/HF) weregreater in femalescomparedwithmalesimmediatelyand 15 min after HIIT. However, nosignificantdifferences in bloodpressureand brachial-ankle pulse wavevelocitywereobservedbetween male andfemaleparticipants. Overall, HRV was moreactivated in femalesthan in malesfollowing HIIT, but theacuteresponse in vascularfunction was not different betweensexes. In futurestudies, sex-specificadaptationsofcardiacautoregulationfollowingrepeated HIIT mayneedtobeperformed.
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