
The returns on investment in sexual reproduction are described by fitness gain curves and the shapes of these curves affect, among other things, the evolutionary stability of reproductive systems. The available evidence indicates that gain curves for male function decelerate, corresponding to diminishing fitness returns on investment in pollen. In contrast, the gain curve for female function is thought to decelerate less strongly than it does for male function (e.g., if seed fertility is limited by more by resources than by mating opportunities). Here we suggest that when the shapes of the female and male gain curves differ, clonality alters the rates of return on investment via the two sex functions. In particular, we propose that clonal expansion might increase fitness gains through male function because the subdivision of reproductive effort among ramets allows each ramet to take advantage of the steepest parts of the male gain curve. We examined the interaction between clonal expansion and fitness gains using numerical analysis of a model of sex allocation in which we assumed that there is no mating interference among ramets. We found that clonal expansion led to substantial increases in fitness through male function, but to decreases in fitness through female function. Under intermediate investment in clonal growth, marginal fertility gains through the two sex functions did not intersect over a broad range of sex allocation patterns, suggesting that clonality could favor the evolution of separate sexes. Finally, we suggest an alternative explanation for the common observation of male-biased sex ratios in clonal dioecious plants. If male function fitness is maximized under higher rates of clonal expansion than for female function, greater frequencies of male ramets might reflect the outcome of fertility selection, rather than constraints on clonal expansion imposed by greater costs of reproduction for females.

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