
Microglia/macrophages have been identified to be highly polarized after ischemia. Interestingly, the polarization of these microglia/macrophages varies immensely under differing disease conditions. Post-conditioning using sevoflurane, a volatile anesthetic, could provide long-term neuroprotection to neonatal rats after hypoxic-ischemic brain injury (HIBI). Thus, the current study aimed at investigating the effects of sevoflurane post-conditioning (SPC) on microglia/macrophage polarization after HIBI induction in neonatal rats. Additionally, we aimed at identifying the underpinning mechanisms specifically related to autophagy and lysosomal protease enzyme, cathepsin B. To develop a HIBI model, 7-day-old Sprague-Dawley rats underwent left common carotid artery ligation followed by 2h of hypoxia. The role of microglia/macrophages in the neuroprotection conferred by SPC was examined by left-side intra-cerebroventricular injection with adenovirus vector carrying catB-GFP or rapamycin. The number of interleukin (IL)-1β+ cells, cathepsin B+ cells, light chain 3B positive (LC3B+) cells among ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1(Iba1+)cells to investigate microglia polarization, neuronal apoptosis to assess neuronal death in the acute phase were tested at 24h after HIBI. Behavioral tests including suspension test, Morris water maze tests were performed to investigate the long-term effects of SPC, at 21 to 34days post HIBI. Nissl staining and myelin basic protein (MBP) immunostaining to assess the long-term neuronal and myelin damage were performed at 34days after HIBI. Based on the obtained results post HIBI, we observed the cells that were positive for IL-1β, cathepsin B, and LC3B among Iba1 positive cell population in the hippocampus were significantly decreased after SPC treatment. SPC significantly attenuated the HIBI-induced increase in neuronal apoptosis, improved long-term cognitive function, and attenuated HI-induced decrease of Nissl-positive cells and MBP expression. However, these trends were reversed by injection of adenovirus vector carrying catB-GFP and rapamycin. SPC attenuated microglia polarization towards neurotoxic phenotypes, alleviates neuronal death and axon demyelination after HIBI in neonatal rats by regulating microglia autophagy and cathepsin B expression, and therefore provided long-term cognitive, learning and memory protection.

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