
Introduction: There are some reports in the literature demonstrating cases of urticaria reactions after receiving COVID-19 vaccine and they usually ask the patient to do not use the same vaccine again. In study written by me (2019) entitled The Importance of Treating Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Deficiencies in Patients with Chronic Urticaria Reactions, I am showing that what has in the background of patients with urticaria, is the lack of energy in the five internal massive organs. Purpose: the purpose of this study is to show that patients with urticaria reactions post COVID-19 vaccine has energy deficient predisposing them to have this kind of reaction and the treatment of this condition, replenishing this lack of energy is important to treat the cause of this abnormal reaction and not just treating the symptoms. Methods: through one case report of patient that had severe urticaria reaction 6 hours after receiving COVID-19 vaccine (Coronavac, having symptoms of giant red patches in the skin of the face, thorax, dorsum, upper limbs). She needs to go to the hospital and they said that her reaction was caused by the use of COVID-19 vaccine. She went to my clinic after this reaction due to other symptoms and I did the chakras’ energy centers measurement. Results: what I found was that she was in the lowest level of energy in all the chakras’ energy centers (rated in one out of eight) with the exception of the seventh that was normal, rated in eight. Treatment using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and replenishment of these chakras’ energy centers using homeopathy medications according to the theory created by me (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications were done. Conclusion: the conclusion of this study is that patients with urticaria reactions after receiving COVID-19 vaccinations has energy deficiency in the background and the treatment of this condition, replenishing this energy, is very important to treat the cause of the urticaria symptoms and not just treating the symptoms, avoiding the use of the same vaccine or only using anti-histamine or corticosteroids medications.

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