
The starting point of the history of the city of Armavir is considered the beginning of the so-called resettlement of Armenians from the mountain villages to the left Bank of the Kuban due to the threat of losing national identity and religion. In 1839 the settlement cherkesogai moved closer to the mouth of the river Urup, and this year is considered the official date of the appearance of Armavir, the original name of Armenian aul. In 1837, under the leadership of major-General Baron G.F. von Zass on the left Bank of the Kuban, against the village Prochnookopskaya, there was a small village of mountain of the Armenians. In the early years in the village settled 120 families, and by 1840 the number had increased to four hundred. In addition to the mountain of Armenians in the village lived a few hundred serfs highlanders. The position of Armavir was more beneficial, both economically and in trade terms. The village has become one of the important outposts of Russian influence in the North-Western Caucasus, its people, Cherkes-Gai become faithful and steady subjects of his new Fatherland – Russia, taking an active part in the defense of the southern borders of the Empire. From the first day of the existence of Armavir had been an integral part of Russia, and its history is forever tied to the fate of the entire state.

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