
A conflict can originate from the engagement or outside the engagement. Conflicts originating from the engagement arise when one of the parties to the agreement defaults or denies the contents of the agreement. One party views that the contents of the agreement must be fulfilled, the other party views that the provisions or contents of the agreement can be denied. So according to the title I researched, namely "Civil Dispute Resolution Between Customers and Banks Through Banking Mediation" who conducted a case study at Bank Al-Washliyah Medan. The problems discussed in this study are what causes banking disputes at Bank Al Washliyah Medan? What is the procedure for resolving disputes between customers and banks through the banking mediation process at Bank Al Washliyah Medan? And how is the legal protection for bank customers through mediation at Bank Al Washliyah Medan?. This research method uses normative legal research which is legal research conducted by examining library materials or secondary data. The data collection technique was carried out by interview and documentation, then to analyze the data used a qualitative approach, namely by analyzing the data in depth and then interpreting it.

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