
Designing quantitative method for survey the variables correlation analysis of the local administrative organizations’, headman villages’, educational CDC committees’, children’s parents, the CDCs’ administers, and teachers’ and caregivers’ perceptions were administered to a sample size of 300 educational personnel of 20 Child Development Centers in the Northeastern of Thailand for the setting the goals for early childhood development of their desirable characteristics standards and their creative thinking abilities on physical, emotional, and social developments’ specifications in the Child Development Centers (CDCs). Modified the 40-items Questionnaire on Desirable Characteristics Standard (QDCS) in four scales are the dependent variables and responses of 69% were predicted. Designing the 24-item Creative Thinking Ability Questionnaire (CTAQ) in 4 scales: Originality, Flexibility, Fluency, and Elaboration scales are independent variables and outcomes of 56% were expected in six research questions were associated. These instruments are valid and reliable at the better level (I±-reliability = 0.80-0.89). Using the grand mean scores of the four scales of the CTAQ and for each scale of the QDCS; physical, emotional, social, and intelligence cognitive development standards were correlated with positive directly correlation (p<.05), coefficient regression and multiple correlations are positive relative significantly (p<.05). The coefficient determination predictive values (R2) indicate that of 66%, 51%, 41%, and 42% of the variances in physical, emotional, social, and intelligence in cognitive development characteristics’ standards for setting the goals for early childhood development of their desirable characteristics standards and their creative thinking abilities in the Child Development Centers (CDCs), respectively.

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