
Results are presented from a detailed questionnaire sent to members of the international SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) community and the international science media. Both groups are compared on the following dimensions: perceived importance of SETI, perceived level of information about SETI available to the media and public, perceived credibility of SETI, and attitudes toward information policy options to govern an announcement of a SETI discovery. The results indicate that SETI is perceived to be an extremely important endeavor, but it enjoys only marginal credibility among the public and the SETI community's professional constituencies. Both the SETI community and the media agree that an erroneous announcement of a discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence could be very damaging. In order to minimize the dangers of false announcement and to bring a degree of order to SETI, a scientific protocol agreement and the establishment of a contact verification committee have been recommended. Both received endorsement from the SETI community and the international science media. The science media feels that from its viewpoint, a contact verification committee would be a more effective way of assuring accurate information about SETI programs and discoveries.

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