
Efficacy of PCR Assay in Diagnosis of Candida Albicans Strains Typed by ID32 C in Servical Smear Preperation In this study, we aimed to evaluate two different assays used for the confirmation of Candida albicans infections and determine the efficacy of PCR assay in Candida albicans diagnosed by ID32 C kit in servical smear preperation of the patients followed in Gynecology and Obstetric out-patient clinic. Seventy patients (mean age 35) were enrolled in this study. While 10% of the patients have no complaint, chronic flow in 9%of the patients, recurrent vulvovaginal candidosis in 45% of the patients and acute infection in 36% of the patients were found. Samples collected with swab were incubated in SDA at 37°C for 24-48 hours. Yeast colonisations were identified by ID32 C kit and confirmed by a PCR assay using primers sets specific to Candida albicans. Yeast colonisations were observed in 31.4% of 70 patients. Identification of yeast colonisation by ID32 C kit showed C.albicans in 20%, C. krusei in 5.7%, C.glabrata in 4.3% and C. insconspicua in 1.4% of all patients. The PCR test results were found to be positive in 17.5% of the patients. In our study, we found that sensivity of ID32 C kit was better than PCR assay, although this difference was not statisticaly significant. As a result we found that efficacy of PCR assay was proximate to ID32 C kit although this difference was not statisticaly significant. Calismamizin amaci uriner tuberkuloz tanisi konan hastalarda intravenoz urografide gorulen degisiklikleri ve bunun tanidaki onemini incelemektir. Uriner tuberkuloz tanisi konulan 24 hastada (10 erkek, 14 kadin) intravenoz urografi tetkiki yapildi ve degisiklikler incelendi. Uriner tuberkulozlu 24 hastanin 6'smda tetkik sonucu normaldi. Iki hastada kalikslerde guve yenigi gorunumu. 2 hastada ureterde duzensizlik, bir hastada bobrekte fonksiyon gecikmesi, bir hastada otonefrektomi izlenirken, diger hastalarda cesitli kaliksiyel patolojiler saptandi. Normal intravenoz urografi incelemesi uriner tuberkulozu ekarte ettirmez. Uriner tuberkuloz dusunulen hastalarda intravenoz urografi ile kesin tani konulamaz. Uriner sistemde olabilecek degisiklikleri incelemek icin intravenoz urografi'den yararlanilir.

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