Customer satisfaction & service quality are two critical principles that firms must grasp if they are to expand and remain competitive in the business world. It is critical for businesses to be able to measure these constructs from the perspective of their consumers in order to better understand and meet those customers' requirements. It is widely accepted that service quality is vital to any modern business since it increases customer satisfaction, profitability, reduces costs, and improves customer loyalty and retention. The main purpose of the research paper is to assess the service quality and its impact on customer satisfaction. Service quality of private Banks is measured by the five dimensions of SERVPERF model i.e. reliability, tangibility, assurance and responsiveness .Both primary and secondary data were used to achieve the aim of the study. The secondary data collected through the Annual reports, past facts and figures provided through internet and journals of respective sample study organization. Thus, the purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality. The finding of the research proves that customer satisfaction increases by offering high quality service Factor analysis and SEM were used to examine the data gathered from 141 customers in Jammu city. The result of the study proves that apart from reliability all other three variables (tangibility, responsiveness and assurance) plays a vital role in determining the customer satisfaction level. References Al-Slehat, Z. A. F. (2021). Determining the Effect of Banking Service Quality on Customer loyalty Using Customer Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable: An Applied Study on the Jordanian Commercial Banking Sector. International Business Research, 14(4), 1-58. Anderson, E., & Weitz, B. (1989). 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