
This paper describes the experience which was undertaken in the “Lifelong learning” subject, taught in the Degree of Education Science at the Teacher Training and Education Faculty (University of Oviedo). This subject was taught in the second semester of the academic year 2013/2014. 111 students participated. The activity described required the design of a service-learning project. The main intention was to approach this methodology and stimulate reflections on small experiences of social engagement to gradually enable students to undertake more ambitious projects. The most relevant aspects of the experience are explained and some examples of projects prepared by groups of students in various areas (civic participation, health promotion, direct assistance to individuals, generational exchange and cultural heritage) are pointed out. We end with some conclusions about the most important benefits of this methodology in three areas: academic curriculum, value education and community outreach. Although it was a minor social practice, it represented an opportunity for the development of initiative, creativity, future vision, confidence, tenacity and positive thinking, all qualities needed in people with an entrepreneurial spirit.

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