
The high throughput - low latency stream processing systems are required to be elastic enough to scale for varying load spike on-demand. However, in the current stream processing systems, the load shedding is observed which impacts the final accuracy. In order to get rid of this issue, the elasticity can be implemented in all kinds of resources involved in the stream processing systems. This paper focuses on providing the elastic scalability in queues and Serverless functions for the event stream processing systems. First, we explain the need of elastic multi-queue with Serverless function in detail for event stream processing, and then will propose an algorithm for elastic scalability of multi-M/M/s/K Queuing with Serverless functions for the efficient stream processing. The experiment result shows that the system scales very well in short span of time with the help of our proposed algorithm. The increased availability in turn helps improving the high processing throughput in low latency.

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