
In order to identify new protein markers modified in placental diseases, high-throughput analysis of proteins in the plasma of pregnant women was carried out for normal and pathological pregnancies (Preeclampsia and/or Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction) using iTRAQ technology. We could identify 166 proteins that were modified (p<0.05) and the technique used allowed the detection of previously undetected factors, such as various members of the SERPINA clade. The modifications of two proteins (C reactive protein and antichymotrypsin, SERPINA3) were validated on individual samples. Complement and coagulation cascades proteins were significantly enriched among modified protein clusters in the case of intra-uterine growth restriction (p<2.6.10(-11)). Several proteins were specifically enriched in isolated preeclampsia and depleted when preeclampsia was complicated by intra-uterine growth restriction. These findings suggest that the growth restricted foeto-placental unit is able to moderate some changes in maternal plasma composition. Overall, the use of iTRAQ technology, for the first time on this subject, enabled us to provide a new list of proteins modified in placental diseases, among which proteins expressed at a low level that were not accessible by other methods.

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