
INTRODUCTION: Serious games is an effort to combine the engagement and motivation from games with some sort of utility beyond mere entertainment. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this paper is to revisit and analyse six projects to explore the design space for serious games and derive design guidelin


  • Serious games is an effort to combine the engagement and motivation from games with some sort of utility beyond mere entertainment

  • What we propose in this article is a marriage between the information systems development discipline, as an area covering the development and utilization of IT artefacts to create organisational value, and game development as an area in which serious games has its roots

  • Drawing from the six cases presented in this article, we contend that serious games share vital features with IS applications and in some sense they could be argued to be a specific type of IS application when viewed from the utility perspective

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Serious games is an effort to combine the engagement and motivation from games with some sort of utility beyond mere entertainment. METHODS: We analysed our project portfolio to identify a set of projects which satisfied well-established guidelines for design science research By analysing these projects as well as their outcomes we generated a set of design principles for serious games. We are concerned with ‘Serious Games’ in the sense that these games have an explicit and carefully thought-out educational purpose and are not intended to be played primarily for amusement. This does not mean that serious game are not, or should not be, entertaining.”. Even though [1] focused on educational games, several application areas have since been introduced using the same line of argument. There is a clear trend towards a variety of application areas which calls for a broader definition

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