
The objectives of this paper are to describe with two examples the recreation of communality in an urban context. And, to explain how the Betaceña community has recreated its culture through the communal practice (with the party). On the other hand, it is intended to account for how through these practices the members of this community have adapted to a new space, and have resisted the complexities that migration implies. Therefore, the recreated communality is considered as a form of Zapotec resistance in urban contexts. This analysis is of utmost importance, because it will contribute to blur the conceptions that are held about communality. In addition to visualizing other forms of Zapotec resistance. In order to obtain the results, this work used an ethnographic methodology. It mainly relied on participant observation and the elaboration of field diaries. Thus, the description and analysis of the empirical data resulted in the possibility of a decontextualized communality or a communality recreated through the party. Becoming the way in which the Betaceños adapt, remain and resist culturally in an urban context.

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