
The white rot fungus Coriolus versicolor could decolorise reactive dye Remazol Brilliant Violet to almost 90%. The fungal mycelia removed color as well as COD up to 95% and 75%, respectively, in a batch reactor. Decolorising activity was observed during the repeated reuse of the fungus. It was possible to substantially increase the dye decolorising activity of the fungus by carefully selecting the operational conditions such as media composition, age of fungus and nitrogen source. The fungal pellets could be used for eight cycles during the long term operation, where medium and dye was replenished at the end of each cycle and the fungus was recycled. Presence of a nitrogen source and nutrient content of media played an important role in sustaining the decolorisation activity of the fungus. The form of nitrogen source (e.g. peptone vs. urea) was also important to maintain the decolorising activity with peptone showing better decolorisation.

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