
The article highlights the peculiarities of the formation of architectural-compositional and stylistic buildings of Lviv during the XVIII - XX centuries. Research of Lviv houses reveals the development of their spatial planning, compositional and stylistic solutions. The complex analysis of this building gives the chance to reveal formative periods and tendencies of development of the city as a whole. The presented research shows ways to solve complex problems - a combination of historic buildings in the format of a multifunctional urban space.
 The study focuses on the relationship between the development of spatial planning, compositional and stylistic solutions, identifies ways for further processes of construction, renovation and reconstruction of buildings, streets and squares. Given the complex direction of development of innovative and tourist environment of Lviv, with the reconstruction of existing buildings, it is important to recreate the historical features of architectural and compositional elements, taking into account the experience of previous periods to build new spatial planning compositions, streets and neighborhoods. The research is performed from the standpoint of integrated and multilevel approaches as the general architectural and planning picture of the city streets is formed under the influence of a number of factors at different levels of street formation. As a result of highlighting historical, economic and social factors revealed patterns of architecture, which today forms the building of the city.
 Architects today make extensive use of the experience gained over generations and interpret it in modern buildings. Today, the central part of Lviv is a source of formation of stylistic and compositional features of modern buildings, which influences the modern unique and authentic character of the city. The study of the peculiarities of building formation on the one hand confirms its value, and on the other hand gives the opportunity to gain knowledge for modeling modern urban spaces.
 The presented comprehensive analysis of the building highlights the formative periods and trends in the city as a whole. The formed conceptual compositional and stylistic features give the chance of conscious natural designing of modern architecture with preservation of character of the available historical environment of the city.

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