
The central part of Lviv was formed over several centuries and in several stages. Favourable demographic, economic and political prerequisites in the XIX-XX centuries positively influenced the quantitative and qualitative state of urban homes. Demolition of defensive walls, the formation of a new citywide centre, measures to improve the central part of the city, regulate the street network, and increase the population are the main factors that underlie the planning and development of the city. The city was actively built up. Most of the houses were profitable. These are buildings that brought profit to their owners through rented premises and commercial parterre floors. The modern architecture of Lviv is developing under the influence of tourist infrastructure and the ordinary household needs of Lviv residents. The urban space of the central part of modern Lviv needs to be regularly updated to perform functions that are dictated by time. It is also important to preserve the existing historical centre that attracts tourists, represents the historical value and pride of the country. Professional implementation of projects requires a detailed study and analysis of the existing architecture. Since the second half of the XIX century, the development of houses parallel to the main roads of the city became popular. Dense buildings spread in concentric circles from the city centre and gradually replaced low-rise buildings in the peripheral part of the city. During this period, housing construction is carried out on a large scale. These are mostly two- or three-story houses, often with a courtyard. The size and configuration of the houses were dictated by technical capabilities, existing buildings and streets. The sites often had a complex shape, the development was carried out already in the conditions of reconstruction, which significantly complicated the solution of new projects. The houses had rectangular forms of plans, the dimensions of which averaged 400 m2 until the end of the XIX century. During the twentieth century, slightly larger plots – 570 m2 – were already allocated for construction. The built-up area on the plots ranged from 30 to 87 per cent. The density of buildings was dictated by both economic and practical factors that are relevant even today. The houses were distinguished by interesting planning solutions with a thorough set of architectural details both in the exterior and in the interior. The range of rooms includes dining rooms, offices, boudoirs, bathrooms, corridors and storerooms. During the nineteenth century, in the decisions of facades dominated Italian neo-Renaissance and neo-Baroque; in the twentieth century – secession. The style solution was based on the choice of details that were prototypes of classical architectural images. The architecture of Lviv of the XIX-XX centuries represents a wide range of artistic interpretations. The study of houses built during this period reveals both their development and the transformation of spatial planning, compositional and stylistic solutions. The necessary formative periods of historicism opened up new angles for the development of subsequent stylistic trends in the following years. The experience of architects, which is connected with the historical past of Lviv, testifies to the significant importance and place of the architecture of the XIX-XX centuries for the further development and development of the city.

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