We have investigated intermolecular interactions and conformational features of the netropsin X d(G-G-A-A-T-T-C-C) complex by one- and two-dimensional NMR studies in aqueous solution. Netropsin removes the 2-fold symmetry of the d(G-G-A-A-T-T-C-C) duplex at the AATT binding site and to a lesser extent at adjacent dG X dC base pairs resulting in doubling of resonances for specific positions in the spectrum of the complex at 25 degrees C. We have assigned the amide, pyrrole, and CH2 protons of netropsin, and the base and sugar H1' protons of the nucleic acid from an analysis of the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOESY) and correlated (COSY) spectra of the complex at 25 degrees C. We observe intermolecular nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) between all three amide and both pyrrole protons on the concave face of the antibiotic and the minor groove adenosine H2 proton of the two central A4 X T5 base pairs of the d(G1-G2-A3-A4-T5-T6-C7-C8) duplex. Weaker intermolecular NOEs are also observed between the pyrrole concave face protons and the sugar H1' protons of residues T5 and T6 in the AATT minor groove of the duplex. We also detect intermolecular NOEs between the guanidino CH2 protons at one end of netropsin and adenosine H2 proton of the two flanking A3 X T6 base pairs of the octanucleotide duplex. These studies establish a set of intermolecular contacts between the concave face of the antibiotic and the minor groove AATT segment of the d(G-G-A-A-T-T-C-C) duplex in solution. The magnitude of the NOEs require that there be no intervening water molecules sandwiched between the antibiotic and the DNA so that release of the minor groove spine of hydration is a prerequisite for netropsin complex formation.
From the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York lb032
We report below on a detailed one- and two-dimensional NMR study of the exchangeable and nonexchangeable protons of the netropsin.d(G-G-A-A-T-T-C-cCom) plex in aqueous solution
That the13.52 ppm resonancebe assigned to theimino proton of A4.1'5 in thecenter of the duplex, the 8.11ppm resonance be assigned to theadenosine HZofA4 in the same base pair, The octanucleotide is numbered d(G1-G2-A3-&-T5-T&7- and the14.18 ppm resonance be assigned to theimino proton
We report below on a detailed one- and two-dimensional NMR study of the exchangeable and nonexchangeable protons of the netropsin.d(G-G-A-A-T-T-C-cCom) plex in aqueous solution This extends on our previous chemical shift studies of the same complex [10] and provides important new Netropsin is an oligopeptide antibiotic from Streptomyces netropsis exhibiting anti-viral and anti-tumoractivities [1,2,3]. It binds to the minor groove a t dA-dT-rich sites in doublestranded B-form DNA [4,5,6] and interferes with the replication and transcription processes. Data collection, processing, and plotting were similar to those complex at 25 "C
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