
BACKGROUND:This case report intends to highlight the challenge in diagnosing type 1 diabetes on an adult patient. Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adult (LADA) types I diabetes Mellitus, which found in adulthood and characterised by progressive damage to pancreatic β cells that happened slowly. Incidence of LADA is around 2-12% of the total diabetes population. Sepsis in LADA patients will trigger diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).CASE REPORT:We report a case of a 33-year-old woman patient presents with decreased consciousness accompanied by rapid and deep breathlessness for 1 day. Before, the patient complains of fever and cough. Physical examination found soporous, blood pressure 120/80 mmHg, pulse 110 x/minute, temperature 38.8°C, breathing 32 x/minute Kussmaul. Bronchovesicular breath crackles in both lower lung fields. leukocytes were 22,100/mm3, random blood glucose 638 mg/dL, urine ketone +++, HbA1C 17.2%, HOMA IR less than 2 units. C-peptide 0.3 ng/mL and GADAs 16.9 U/mL. Chest Xray indicated bronchopneumonia. Patients were diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis, LADA, and sepsis caused by bronchopneumonia. Patient treated with DKA management and sepsis. On the second day, the treatment of DKA was resolved and continued with the administration of short-acting insulin and regular long-acting.CONCLUSION:Sepsis in LADA with DKA requires fast and appropriate management. Further search is needed to diagnose LADA.

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