1. 1. The synthetic peptide 2,4-dinitrophenyl- l-Pro- l-Leu-Gly l-Ile- l-Ala-Gly- l-Arg-amide (DNP-peptide) was tested as a potential substrate for uterine collagenase. Rat uteri were homogenized and the insoluble fraction was extracted at 60° C to obtain collagenase. The extracts were chromatographed on Sephadex G-150 to yield two peaks of DNP-peptide hydrolyzing activity. Peak I was completey inhibited by EDTA and had a molecular weight greater than 100 000. Peak II was inhibited about 90% by EDTA and had an apparent molecular weight of about 70 000. 2. 2. Peak II coincided closely, but not exactly, with the peak of collagenase activity. It differed from collagenase in heat stability, binding properties on CM-Sephadex and failure to display latency. 3. 3. Peak II represents a new endopeptidase activity. It has a pH optimum of 7 and it cleaves the DNP-peptide at the Gly-Ile and, possibly, the Leu-Gly bond. 4. 4. The DNP-peptide is not a satisfactory substrate for the assay of impure collagenase preparations nor does it inhibit the action of collagenase on collagen substrate when added in 30-fold molar excess.
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