
E-Government in itself requires reorganizing of governance with institutions and organizations with the aim of running them more efficiently. This is done using various applications created specifically for actions in the fields of economics, health, safety, education, etc. These applications are products that are used directly by all citizens. In the field of e-Learning, in educational institutions such as universities, the users of these applications are lecturers and students who are considered to have the highest skills in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Based on this, e-Learning systems in educational institutions can be configured in such a way that tasks and responsibilities are divided into user levels. This would make the maintenance of system not dependent on the administrator only, but on all levels of users. Consequently this makes the whole system more sustainable, decentralized, with low-maintenance. Such a configuration has been running with the Moodle platform at Kadri Zeka University Kosovo (UKZ) for five year since 2016.

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