
Text sentiment analysis is an important and challenging task. Sentiment analysis of customer reviews is a common problem faced by companies. It is a machine learning problem made demanding due to the varying nature of sentences, different lengths of the paragraphs of text, contextual understanding, sentiment ambiguity and the use of sarcasm and comparatives. Traditional approaches to sentiment analysis use the tally or recurrence of words in a text which are allotted sentiment values by some expert. These strategies overlook the order of words and the complex different meanings they can communicate. Hence, RNNs were introduced that are effective yet challenging to train. Bi-GRUs and Bi-LSTM architectures are a recent form of RNNs which can store information about long-term dependencies in sequential data. In this work, we attempted a survey of different deep learning techniques that have been applied to sentiment classification and analysis. We have implemented the baseline models for LSTM, GRU and Bi-LSTM and Bi-GRU on an Amazon review dataset.

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