<jats:p>Introduction. Children born prematurely have an increased risk of immediate medical complications, as well as socioemotional, cognitive, linguistic and sensory processing disorders later in life. Studies have examined the effects of prematurity on developmental outcomes, such as cognition, however, there is a need for a more detailed examination of sensory processing disorders in preterm infants. Not only is prenatal neurosensory development interrupted in utero, but these children may also experience intense stimulation in the neonatal unit, which can further alter the development and function of the sensory system. Objective. The paper presents an overview of research on sensory processing disorders in premature infants, with special emphasis on the impact of the environment of the neonatal unit. Method. Insight into the relevant literature was performed by specialized search engines on the Internet and insight into the electronic database. Results. Sensory processing disorders affect 39% to 52% of newborns born prematurely, with some evidence to suggest that children born before 32 weeks are most at risk. The literature to date has consistently reported difficulties in sensory modulation of preterm infants, within the tactile, vestibular, auditory, oral, and visual domains. Conclusion. Sensory processing disorders in preterm infants appear to occur as a result of their immature neurological and biological system and being in the environment of a neonatal intensive care unit, which is unable to meet the sensory needs of preterm infants. Altered sensory experiences, during periods of neurodevelopmental vulnerability and fragility, can result in sensory processing disorders, which may include enhanced responses or less response to stimuli (hyper or hyposensitivity).</jats:p>
In recent years, with the progress of medicine, and especially perinatology and neonatology, the survival rate of children born prematurely has significantly increased, and at the same time, the rate of complications of neurological development has decreased [1]
Is prenatal neurosensory development interrupted in utero, but these children may experience intense stimulation in the neonatal unit, which can further alter the development and function of the sensory system [2]
Sensory processing disorders affect 39% to 52% of preterm infants, with some evidence to suggest that infants born 32 weeks ago are most at risk [13, 14]
Children born prematurely have an increased risk of immediate medical complications, as well as socioemotional, cognitive, linguistic and sensory processing disorders later in life. Studies have examined the effects of prematurity on developmental outcomes, such as cognition, there is a need for a more detailed examination of sensory processing disorders in preterm infants. The paper presents an overview of research on sensory processing disorders in premature infants, with special emphasis on the impact of the environment of the neonatal unit. Sensory processing disorders in preterm infants appear to occur as a result of their immature neurological and biological system and being in the environment of a neonatal intensive care unit, which is unable to meet the sensory needs of preterm infants. U radu je dat pregled istraživanja poremećaja senzorne obrade kod prevremeno rođene dece, sa posebnim naglaskom na uticaj okruženja neonatalne jedinice. Poremećaji senzorne obrade pogađaju 39% do 52% novorođenčadi rođene prevremeno, sa nekim dokazima koji ukazuju na to da najveću opasnost nose deca rođena pre 32 nedelje. Tokom perioda neurorazvojne ranjivosti i krhkosti, mogu rezultirati poremećajem senzorne obrade, što može uključivati pojačane odgovore ili manje reagovanje na stimuluse (hiper ili hiposenzitivnost)
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