
The sensitivity of the growth and nonlinear evolution of fast-ion-driven modes is examined with respect to the choice of particle boundary conditions, diffusion coefficients, fast ion gyroradii and bulk compressibility. The primary purpose of this work is to justify the choice of parameters to be used in the self-consistent long-time simulations of fast ion dynamics using global MHD-kinetic hybrid codes that include fast ion sources and collisions. The present study is conducted for a scenario based on the N-NB-driven JT-60U shot E039672, which is subject to abrupt large events (ALE). We use realistic geometry, a realistic fast ion distribution, and focus on experimentally observed harmonics with low toroidal mode numbers n = 1, 2, 3. The use of realistic boundary conditions and finite Larmor radii for the fast ions is shown to be essential. The usual values used for resistivity, viscosity and thermal diffusivity, and used for the specific heat ratio (controlling the effect of compressibility) are shown to be reasonable choices. Our method for performing the parameter scans around the threshold for the onset of convective amplification is proposed as a strategy for nonlinear benchmark studies.

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