
The aim of present work is to look for the prevalence of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows of different regions in eastern Algerian ; the prevalence of subclinical mastitis has called for three non-specific methods and by bacteriological analysis. On all teats are 416 ; the first non-specific test is Californiamastitis test (CMT) indicating polymorphonuclear witness infection of the udder. The second test indicates presence of ions (Na Cl) in milk and carries the appellation of the electrical conductivity of milk (EC) and the last test is the one that revealed the pH of milk while using papier pH containing pH indicator and changes color to green or blue if the udder is infected. It is the first component of the study; the second component is to get the bacteriological status of each udder and passing to the study of the sensitivity and specificity of non specifics tests . the present study gave values of mastitis prevalence between 6.7 to 64.7% of cows and 10 to 20% of udders tested by (CMT, pH papers and EC), with an infection rate of 9% of districts and 17% of cows. Bacteriological examination of positive areas showed the prevalence of the following pathogens : 6 species of Staph – Saprophyticus= 15%, 6 species staph – epidermidis=15%, 4 species staph – cohnii=10%, 9 Staph +=22.5%, 2 Micrococcus. Spp=5%, 4 E.Coli=10%, 2 speciesof klebsielle =5%,2Proteus vulgaris=5%, 2Citrobacter freundeii=5%, 1 Streptococcus spp=2.5%, 1Streptococcus uberis=2.5%. et 5% others specie of bacterias. for specificity and sensitivity we have these values r : CMT = 71% and 77%;. For pH paper had values of 15% and 60% .in latter puts the EC with values of 13% and 67% respectively. So the CMT remains the most accessible and reliable tset


  • As Algeria consumes on average and by citizen a quantity of milk bordering 100 liters/year which lists her in first consumer row of the countries of this product

  • This is what makes the study of the causes of loss of the milk one of the major priorities; in this sphere bring in the study of the sub-clinical mastitis, which requests the search of witnesses of the inflammation, which deviate it from the pH of the milk

  • We use papers indicator pH of mastitis or we look for the presence of the somatic cells in the milk by means of the test California Mastitis Test (CMT), of the electric conductivity of the milk and/or the pathogenic agents in the milk [3,4]

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In Algeria, the situation of the dairy bovine herds is often considered as worrisome, the frequency of the sub-clinical mastitis is brought up [2] Several studies took this theme as problem by looking for their prevalence and their risk factors in order to put appropriate plans to fight it. In this qualitative study, we are going to sample takings of the milk on a significant number of animals, which are randomly chosen, and this, to be able to put the point on the presence (existence) of this disease in our breeding and livestock, and, to be able to choose the best of the available tests on ground, possessing the most reliable specificity and specialty. We use papers indicator pH of mastitis or we look for the presence of the somatic cells in the milk by means of the test California Mastitis Test (CMT), of the electric conductivity of the milk and/or the pathogenic agents (bacteriology) in the milk [3,4]

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