
It is known that bacteria colonize endotracheal intubation tubes [EIT], form biofilms. Bacterial cells that are in the film matrix are protected from the effects of external factors and differ in high levels of resistance to the action of antibiotics, antiseptics, and disinfectants. The purpose of our study was to determine the sensitivity of the antiseptics of biofilm and planktont forms of non-fermentable gram-negative bacteria to the action of the antiseptics of decamethoxin, chlorohexidine bigluconate, povidone iodine, hydrogen peroxide. In order to create bacterial biofilms, sterile fragments of the endotracheal tubes were placed in test tubes with meat-peptone broth and the daily culture of the studied strain of microorganisms was blocked. To determine the influence of antiseptics on biofilms of bacteria, the method of two successive dilutions was used. The results of a comparative study of the activity of antiseptic agents (decamethoxin, bichluconate chlorhexidine, povidone iodine, hydrogen peroxide) in relation to planktonic and biofilm forms of pseudomonad and acinetobacter strains testify that in all investigated antiseptics and bacterial films pseudomonads forms are more resistant to drags preparations than in planktonic form. In bichluconate, chlorhexidine and decamethoxin MBcK for a bacterial film are 3,2 times greater than for a planktonic form. The smallest difference MBtsK for planktonic and biofilm forms of pseudomonad was in the drug povidone-iodine. MBcC bichluconate chlorhexidine for the biofilm form of acinetobacter, in comparison with planktonic form, was 3,3 times higher, for decamethoxin in 3.7 times, for povidone-iodine in 3,5 times. Biopharmaceutical forms of gram-negative nonfermenting bacteria have the ability to achieve high levels of resistance to antiseptics.

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