
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis have been performed to estimate the uncertainty in the effective neutron multiplication factor, keff, of the KRITZ-1 benchmark and to identify which nuclear reactions and isotopes of interest could be significantly influencing it. First, the adjoint-weighted perturbation method using the KSEN card of the MCNP6 code is applied to compute the sensitivity vectors for 235U, 238U, 1H, 16O, and 10B isotopes with the JEFF-3.3 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 nuclear data libraries. Then, the sensitivity vectors and covariance matrices were combined to calculate the uncertainty in keff due to uncertainties in nuclear data. The 44 group covariance matrices have been processed with the NJOY21 system.It was found that the uncertainty in keff is mostly due to uncertainties on ν‾p , fission cross section of 235U, the capture cross section of the two isotopes 238U and 1H in the aforementioned data libraries

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