
The intercombination transitions between l-resolved Rydberg levels due to collisions with fast electrons are studied within the Ochkur approximation for principal quantum numbers n\ensuremath{\le}20, where l is the angular momentum. The use of the Heisenberg correspondence principle for radial integrals enables one to obtain analytic expressions for any term in the multipole expansion of the cross section for collisions with an arbitrary n and l change. For transitions involving angular momenta that are small compared to the principal quantum numbers, the semiclassical and the exact results are found to be fairly close, within the accuracy consistent with the Born approximation. As a result, the semiclassical approach furnishes a ready estimate for cross sections, and its validity range proves broad enough to cover the region of large momenta transferred to the atom. The numerical results also confirm that dipole transitions have no dominance over the collisions with other \ensuremath{\Delta}l values, in accord with the general model of intercombination scattering.

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