
Computer aided classification of skin cancer images is an active area of research and different classification methods has been proposed so far. However, the supervised classification models based on insufficient labeled training data can badly influence the diagnosis process. To deal with the problem of limited labeled data availability this paper presents a semi advised learning model for automated recognition of skin cancer using histopathalogical images. Deep belief architecture is constructed using unlabeled data by making efficient use of limited labeled data for fine tuning done the classification model. In parallel an advised SVM algorithm is used to enhance classification results by counteracting the effect of misclassified data using advised weights. To increase generalization capability of the model, advised SVM and Deep belief network are trained in parallel. Then the results are aggregated using least square estimation weighting. The proposed model is tested on a collection of 300 histopathalogical images taken from biopsy samples. The classification performance is compared with some popular methods and the proposed model outperformed most of the popular techniques including KNN, ANN, SVM and semi supervised algorithms like Expectation maximization algorithm and transductive SVM based classification model.

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