
Automated diagnosis of skin cancer is an active area of research with different classification methods proposed so far. However, classification models based on insufficient labeled training data can badly influence the diagnosis process if there is no self-advising and semi supervising capability in the model. This paper presents a semi supervised, self-advised learning model for automated recognition of melanoma using dermoscopic images. Deep belief architecture is constructed using labeled data together with unlabeled data, and fine tuning done by an exponential loss function in order to maximize separation of labeled data. In parallel a self-advised SVM algorithm is used to enhance classification results by counteracting the effect of misclassified data. To increase generalization capability and redundancy of the model, polynomial and radial basis function based SA-SVMs and Deep network are trained using training samples randomly chosen via a bootstrap technique. Then the results are aggregated using least square estimation weighting. The proposed model is tested on a collection of 100 dermoscopic images. The variation in classification error is analyzed with respect to the ratio of labeled and unlabeled data used in the training phase. The classification performance is compared with some popular classification methods and the proposed model using the deep neural processing outperforms most of the popular techniques including KNN, ANN, SVM and semi supervised algorithms like Expectation maximization and transductive SVM.

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