A new computational method, by incorporating wavelets in the improved quasi static (IQS) scheme, is developed and presented here for the analysis of CANDU PHWR and TWIGL reactor transients. According to this method the time dependent neutron diffusion equation is split into amplitude function and shape function. The amplitude function is solved using the Haar wavelet and its solution is used in the estimation of shape function. The advantage of this computational method is that the concept of micro time step and macro time step, adopted in the IQS scheme, does not arise here at all and the transient can be estimated with only one time step, i.e. single time step. In this method, the transient estimation methodology is different from the improved quasi static scheme. This computational method is applied to estimate the transients in CANDU 3D-PHWR benchmark, CANDU-2D and TWIGL reactors. In TWIGL reactor, a Doppler temperature feedback in introduced and the transient is estimated with feedback. The estimated transients are compared with the reference. From the comparison of results, it is observed that this method is capable of estimating the reactivity initiated transients in heterogeneous reactors to a good accuracy, by adopting only one time step. This computational method is first of its kind in the estimation of reactor transients. It is also shown that as the order of resolution of wavelet is increased, the error in the estimation of transient is reduced.
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