
The task of the analysis of adaptation processes is to describe which changes the foreign word has undergone in the primary phase, ie from the moment of borrowing to the formation of the basic form – which in contact linguistics is called replica – and which changes occur in the replica in the secondary phase, ie from the moment of integration in the language system of the recipient further. This paper analyzes the semantic adaptation of frequency Germanisms in the Bosnian language system and focuses on the conceptual field of “household”. The main goal is to determine the semantic changes that words taken from the German language undergo during the download and adaptation to the Bosnian language system. During the analysis, the contact linguistic methodology of Rudolf Filipović was used, in which the adaptation processes are divided into primary and secondary phases of adaptation. The comparative method compared the meanings of German models with the meanings of Bosnian replicas, and the changes were classified into three categories: zero semantic extension, narrowing of meaning and broadening of meaning. Based on the analysis of adaptive changes in the primary phase, it was determined that Germanisms were mostly taken over into the Bosnian language with their specific meanings, but the category of narrowing in the field of meaning was also noted. Unlike the primary adaptation, the secondary adaptation includes changes that occur on the formed replica. These changes are no longer associated with the German language because they are always related only with the Bosnian language system and its rules. This is evidenced by the examples of Germanisms in which in the phase of secondary adaptation there was an expansion of meaning through the use of metaphor, metonymy, pejorization, folk etymology and ellipse.


  • The task of the analysis of adaptation processes is to describe which changes the foreign word has undergone in the primary phase, ie from the moment of borrowing to the formation of the basic form – which in contact linguistics is called replica – and which changes occur in the replica in the secondary phase, ie from the moment of integration in the language system of the recipient further

  • This paper analyzes the semantic adaptation of frequency Germanisms in the Bosnian language system and focuses on the conceptual field of “household”

  • The main goal is to determine the semantic changes that words taken from the German language undergo during the download and adaptation to the Bosnian language system

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Preuzimanje i adaptacija stranih riječi u drugi jezički sistem

Prilikom preuzimanja stranih riječi u drugi jezik nastupa proces prilagođavanja ili adaptacije. Taj proces je neophodan s obzirom na to da su riječi često prilikom preuzimanja takvog fonološkog, ortografskog ili morfološkog oblika koji ne odgovara sistemu jezika primatelja. Adaptacija je dugotrajan proces, a do svog konačnog oblika prolazi primarne i sekundarne promjene, prema kojima se razlikuje primarna i sekundarna adaptacija. Od trenutka posuđivanja do formiranja osnovnog, odnosno konačnog oblika – koja se u kontaktnoj lingvistici naziva replika – i koje se promjene javljaju na replici u sekundarnoj fazi, tj. Svi teoretičari kontaktne lingvistike slažu se da posuđenica obavezno prvo prolazi kroz proces formiranja fonološkog oblika. Svaka strana riječ u trenutku prelaska u novi jezički sistem donosi sa sobom i morfološka obilježja vrste riječi kojoj pripada. Kako su morfološki sistemi različiti, posuđenica mora svoja morfološka obilježja uskladiti i prilagoditi pravilima jezika primatelja. Adaptacije koja se može karakterizirati kao mehaničko prilagođavanje (Talanga 2002)

Obrada analize adaptacijskog procesa germanizama na semantičkoj razini
Nulta semantička ekstenzija
Suženje značenja
Proširenje značenja
Pučka etimologija
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