
Justice has a general meaning and has a special meaning, including justice in society, justice in law, justice in finance, and justice in human rights. The concept of justice, which is the second principle after monotheism includes justice in various relationships, namely the relationship between the individual and himself, the relationship between the individual and humans and society, the relationship between the individual and the judge and those who own the case, and the relationship between the parties relevant. Islamic justice is comprehensive and includes economic, social, and political justice. A pattern of life that shows love, help, and a sense of responsibility, not based on a conflicting social system between one class and another as the principle of justice in Islam. The command to carry out justice finding explicitly in the Qur'an. The verses of the Qur'an command to act justly and Allah Himself makes justice the goal of government as contained in Surah An-Nisa verses 3 and 129. An-Nisa verse 3 regarding the permissibility of polygamy for husbands who have been married to carry out the requirements of being fair to the wives. If this condition cannot be fulfilled, then a man is only entitled to marry one wife only, he cannot have more or enough intercourse with his female slaves without going through the proper marriage process. Surah An-Nisa 'verse 129 talks about polygamy. However, this verse concludes that a man can never be fair in passing. The nature of 'is (fair) is a green light for a man who wants to have polygamy

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