
Self-similar problems of contact for non-convex punches are considered. The non-convexity of the punch shapes introduces differences from the traditional self-similar contact problems when punch profiles are convex and their shapes are described by homogeneous functions. First, three-dimensional Hertz type contact problems are considered for non-convex punches whose shapes are described by parametric-homogeneous functions. Examples of such functions are numerous including both fractal Weierstrass type functions and smooth log-periodic sine functions. It is shown that the region of contact in the problems is discrete and the solutions obey a non-classical self-similar law. Then the solution to a particular case of the contact problem for an isotropic linear elastic half-space when the surface roughness is described by a log-periodic function, is studied numerically, i.e. the contact problem for rough punches is studied as a Hertz type contact problem without employing additional assumptions of the multi-asperity approach. To obtain the solution, the method of non-linear boundary integral equations is developed. The problem is solved only on the fundamental domain for the parameter of self-similarity because solutions for other values of the parameter can be obtained by renormalization of this solution. It is shown that the problem has some features of chaotic systems, namely the global character of the solution is independent of fine distinctions between parametric-homogeneous functions describing roughness, while the stress field of the problem is sensitive to small perturbations of the punch shape.

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