
The concept of self-regulation plays one of the major roles in the field of developmental psychology and psychopatology. The importance of self-regulatory capacities for developmental outcomes and behaviors has been well documented in the literature. Contemporary researches on early self-regulation have the roots in the study of W. Mischel and colleagues (1989) who pioneered the studies on the ability of preschool-aged children to delay gratification and exert self-control in the face of strong situational pressures and emotional temptations. Research on the topic of self-regulation in early childhood has increased exponentially in the past 30 years since the first works of W. Mischel and his colleagues. In spite of the growing empirical data, the concept of self-regulation lacks empirical and conceptual clarity, and the developmental picture of self-regulation is fragmented and sometimes inconsistent. Thus, it is very important to make a regular review of the latest research data, integrate it with the existing knowledge and systems, and highlight the main characteristics of self-regulation in early childhood. The aim of the study was to analyze the content and structure of self-regulation and to highlight and discuss the problematic issues of the concept of self-regulation in early childhood. The theoretical discussion of the article covers the historical context of studies on self-regulation in early childhood and the analysis of the constructs conceptually related to self-regulation. The lack of the conceptual clarity of self-regulation is due to multiple perspectives of researchers on self-regulation and the multidimensional nature of this concept. Moreover, different tasks and tests are used to measure the self-regulatory skills of infants and preschool-aged children. The analysis of theoretical and empirical research on early self-regulation has shown that the concept of self-regulation is multidimensional and covers a continuum from effortful and controlled regulation to unconscious and automatic regulation. It is purposeful to conceptualize self-regulation as a unitary construct with multiple levels rather than a construct with multiple definitions. We have revealed several problematic aspects of the concept of self-regulation in early childhood: 1) the multilevel nature of self-regulation structure; 2) a dynamic interplay among self-regulation levels; 3) the differentiation of effortful and reactive control. The methodological challenges while measuring infants’ and preschool-aged children’s self-regulatory capacities as well as implications for future research are also discussed.


  • Roma JusienėŠiuo metu savireguliacijos samprata vaidina vieną iš pagrindinių vaidmenų raidos psichologijos ir raidos psichopatologijos srityje

  • The theoretical discussion of the article covers the historical context of studies on self-regulation in early childhood and the analysis of the constructs conceptually related to self-regulation

  • The importance of self-regulatory capacities for developmental outcomes and behaviors has been well documented in the literature

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Roma Jusienė

Šiuo metu savireguliacijos samprata vaidina vieną iš pagrindinių vaidmenų raidos psichologijos ir raidos psichopatologijos srityje. Savireguliacijos terminas yra plačiai vartojamas ir mokslinėje, ir praktinėje literatūroje, tačiau tai nėra vienintelis terminas, kuris žymi su elgesio, dėmesio ir emocijų reguliavimu susijusius procesus. Brandesnės savireguliacijos formos vystosi maždaug trečiais ir ketvirtais gyvenimo metais, o daugelis kognityvių gebėjimų, kurie yra susiję su efektyvia suaugusiųjų savireguliacija (pvz., ilgalaikis planavimas arba tikslų užsibrėžimas) visiškai susiformuoja tik vėlyvoje vaikystėje ar paauglystėje (Bronson, 2000). Tokio analizės būdo mus paskatino imtis ne tik noras apibendrinti gausią empirinę bazę, kurioje savireguliacija yra operacionalizuojama per skirtingus gebėjimus, bet ir metodologiniai iššūkiai, su kuriais susidūrėme ieškodami priemonių ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų savireguliacijos gebėjimams įvertinti. Tad pagrindinis šio straipsnio tikslas yra, remiantis šiuolaikinių raidos psichologijos tyrimų duomenimis, kritiškai išanalizuoti savireguliacijos ankstyvoje vaikystėje turinį ir struktūrą ir taip išryškinti savireguliacijos ankstyvoje vaikystėje konstrukto problemas.

Savireguliacijos sampratos teorinės ir empirinės prielaidos
Savireguliacija ir susiję konstruktai
Savireguliacijos struktūra
Reaktyvios ir valingos kontrolės diferenciacija
Išvados ir nuorodos tyrimams
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