
One of the most widely used solution concepts for strategic games is the concept of Nash equilibrium. A Nash equilibrium is a state in which no player can improve its objective by unilaterally changing its strategy. A Nash equilibrium is called pure if all players choose a pure strategy, and mixed if players choose probability distributions over strategies. Of special interest are fully mixed Nash equilibria where each player chooses each strategy with non-zero probability. Rosenthal [12] introduced a special class of strategic games, now widely known as congestion games. Here, the strategy set of each player is a subset of the power set of given resources. The players share a private objective function, defined as the sum (over their chosen resources) of functions in the number of players sharing this resource. In his seminal work, Rosenthal showed with help of a potential function that congestion games (in sharp contrast to general strategic games) always admit at least one pure Nash equilibrium. An extension to congestion games are weighted congestion games, in which the players have weights and thus different influence on the congestion of the resources. In (weighted) network congestion games the strategy sets of the players correspond to paths in a network. In order to measure the degradation of social welfare due to the selfish behavior of the players, Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou [8] introduced a global objective function, usually coined as social cost. They defined the price of anarchy, also called coordination ratio, as the worst-case ratio between the value of social cost in a Nash equilibrium and that of some social optimum. Thus the coordination ratio measures the extent to which non-cooperation approximates cooperation. As a starting point for studying the coordination ratio, Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou considered a very simple weighted network congestion game, now known as KP-model. Here, the network consists of a single source and a single destination which are connected by parallel links. The load on a link is the total weight of players assigned to this link. Associated with each link is a capacity representing the rate at which the link processes load. Each of the players selfishly routes from the source to the destination by choosing a probability distribution over the links. The private objective function of a player is defined as its expected latency. In the KP-model the social cost is defined as the expected maximum latency on a link, where the expectation is taken over all random choices of the players. In this paper, we give a thorough survey on the most exciting results on finite (weighted) congestion games and on special classes which are related to the KP-model. In particular, we review the findings on the existence and computational complexity of pure Nash equilibria. Furthermore, we discuss results on the price of anarchy. Last but not least, we survey known facts on fully mixed Nash equilibria.

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