We studied whether plasma-etching techniques can use standard screen-printed gridlines as etch masks to form self-aligned, patterned-emitter profiles on multicrystalline-silicon (mc-Si) cells from Solarex. We conducted an investigation of plasma deposition and etching processes on full-size mc-Si cells processed in commercial production lines, so that any improvements obtained would be immediately relevant to the PV industry. This investigation determined that reactive ion etching (RIE) is compatible with using standard, commercial, screen-printed gridlines as etch masks to form self-aligned, selectively doped emitter profiles. This process results in reduced gridline contact resistance when followed by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) treatments, an undamaged emitter surface easily passivated by plasma-nitride, and a less heavily doped emitter between gridlines for reduced emitter recombination. This allows for heavier doping beneath the gridlines for even lower contact resistance, reduced contact recombination, and better bulk defect gettering. Our initial results found a statistically significant improvement of about half an absolute percentage point in cell efficiency when the self-aligned emitter etchback was combined with a PECVD-nitride surface passivation treatment. Some additional improvement in bulk diffusion length was observed when a hydrogen passivation treatment was used in the process. We attempted to gain additional benefits from using an extra-heavy phosphorus emitter diffusion before the gridlines were deposited. However, this required a higher plasma-etch power to etch back the deeper diffusion and keep the etch time reasonably short. The higher power etch may have damaged the surface and the gridlines so that improvement due to surface passivation and reduced gridline contact resistance was inhibited.
This is especially true for screen-printed gridlines, which require very heavy doping beneath them for acceptably low contact resistance
The cells received either an ammonia-plasma hydrogenation (H-passivation) treatment or a silicon-nitride deposition (PECVD-nitride), both found to be effective for bulk and surface passivation in String RibbonTMmc-Si [2]
The IQE(400-nm) value (73%) is almost as high as that obtained previously on this material (78%) using a nitride coating optimized for low surface recombination [6]. This shows that the R Eprocess may not have damaged the emitter surface significantly, if at all. This investigation determined that R E is compatible with using standard, commercial, screen-printed gridlines as etch masks to form self-aligned, selectively-doped emitter profiles
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