
Self-Portrait After Polar Vortex Crystal Stone (bio) Around me, the sound is the rapidmelt of snow, not falling rain.The blind dog on the trail looksin my direction. The runner does not.The purple martin only sees his bodyin patches of lake ice. There's stillsnow. I measure the cold in pairs of socks I need to wear to keepwalking. How did the purple martinsurvive three days without runningwater? It's beginning to flowagain. On the bank, people line uplike geese. Love is dangerouslythin. Go ahead. Fish on the ice. [End Page 522] Crystal Stone CRYSTAL STONE is an MFA candidate at Iowa State University. Her poetry has previously appeared or is forthcoming in various international journals including The Threepenny Review, Writers Resist, Southword, and many others. In 2018, she gave a TEDx talk called "The Transformative Power of Poetry" and her first collection, Knock-Off Monarch, was released by Dawn Valley Press. Copyright © 2019 Crystal Stone

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